Bullying can be defined as repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour. It’s intended to cause fear, distress or harm to another persons body, feelings, self esteem or reputation. Bullying can take the form of physical, verbal, social and electronic. Furthermore, with more and more bullying taking place on social media and phone app platforms.

The victim of bullying can often overcome these situations if they have high levels of self esteem and a high value themselves. They will be more inclined to stand up for themselves, seek help from elsewhere and/or be able to better manage the psychological effects of bullying.
The bully is more often than not also suffering from the same traits. Therefore, makes the victim an easy target; low self esteem and low self worth.
Bullying and Violence in Schools
According to the Hong Kong Welfare Society Hong Kong children suffer more violence in schools than other parts of Asia and even US, Britain and the EU.
Violence in schools can bring a whole host of negative impacts on the children; underachieving, behavioral problems, intention to avoid going to school and in many cases the victims of bullying becoming the instigators.
Mindful Wing Chun Hong Kong is dedicated to helping children develop strong and balanced bodies and minds which encourages and promotes self worth, respect and compassion towards themselves and others….including the bully!
We use mindfulness at the core of our teachings and we use the art of Wing Chun as a tool. As one of the possible means, to promote focus, relaxation and connectedness.
When students have a grasp of these fundamental concepts they are equipped with the mindset and tools to deal with potential conflict in a confident and peaceful way.
The positive effects children can gain for their Wing Chun Training is plentiful and does not stop with the above.
Wing Chun Also
– builds greater self control
– refines fine and gross motor skills
– Develops social and spatial skills
– teaches self worth and self respect
– improves confidence, self esteem and self awareness skills
– empowers the child to protect themselves, family and friends
– increases focus and concentration
– reduces anxiety
– improves memory, attentiveness and alertness
In Conclusion
With so many benefits to be gained all under one roof, why would you deny your child the opportunity to learn a martial art.
Mindful Wing Chun is a full time Wing Chun club situated in the heart of Hong Kong City. Kids Kung Fu classes take place everyday from 4pm – 6pm weekdays and 10am – 1pm Saturday’s.
We will strive to continue to be a part of the mindful movement. Moreover to reach as many people as we can in the best way we know how,….through the Chu Shong Tin lineage of Wing Chun.
Empower your child with respect, confidence, compassion and self worth!
Further Reading
Please visit the sites suggested below to see how mindfulness techniques are benefitting our children in schools aross the UK and USA.
Mindfulness in Schools Program http://mindfulnessinschools.org/
The David Lynch Foundation https://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/
Mindful Wing Chun Team