Martial art sets Hong Kong Iranian immigrant on a better path

An angry child and troubled teen who became a centred adult thanks to martial arts, Nima King opened a wing chun studio in Hong Kong to inspire others. Article by Rachel Jacqueline of SCMP.

Martial art sets Hong Kong Iranian immigrant on a better path - Nima King - angry child
Photo by Jonathan Wong

Compact and lean. Graceful and efficient. Open, measured and thoughtful. These are all traits Nima King proudly possesses today. And he’s a long way from the “angry” kid he was 22 years ago.

“Born and raised in war-torn Iran, I arrived in Australia aged 10 as an angry person. I would easily lose my temper,” he says.

The angry child grew into a vexed teen who often got into fist fights. He credits his transformation to a decision he made at the age of 15.

Read the full article here.

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